America Is SUCH A Bitch

It's been nagging me for weeks now, and I simply must share it to the world this instance. You can blame it on my science tutor. He absolutely detestes the Americans, and it's starting to rub off on me now.

I'm sure there must have been some exaggeration in his stories, and half of them are probably lies to get my class to join him in his rebellion against America, so correct me if I'm wrong.

I mean, the Americans must have done something for this world right? Not that I can think of any from the top of my head, but they must have done something good, otherwise their American-ness wouldn't have seeped throughout the world. I have America to thank, for the Donut King chocolate cream eclair which I'm eating as I'm typing this up.

And maybe I'm not being very fair to all Americans. They are all nice people. Well the ones I know anyways. I think I should probably blame the US Government.

According to my science tutor, the US has somehow bamboozled every single government in the world to sign a contract of some sort, which states that they may not sue the American government. Thats pretty far-fetched. I'm not even sure if it's true. It probably isn't. Well I hope it isn't real. Because if it is, the world is doomed.

I know that some of my teacher's stories aren't true. He once told me that the Americans have made a cobalt bomb capable of blowing up the world 10 times over, and that was untrue. But the contract thing sounds slightly more do-able.

I also heard that the American government is slowly buying all the petroleum in the world, and when the whole world runs out, the Americans will use their petroleum to gain world domination.

Again, that is very far-fetched, but you know, it's nice to know these things in case they are real, then we can start moving to American to be on their side. Then we'll have a secure supply of petroleum, and we won't be the ones attacked with nuclear weapons.

Seriously, someone should give all the world leaders a lesson or two on sharing.

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