1. The most obvious: That time of the month. It comes and haunts you twelve times a year. It plays with your emotions, gives you stomach cramps, annoys the hell out of you, and may even (god forbid) leave you with an embarrassing stain if your timing isn’t right. Girls have to deal with this every single month.
2. Giving birth. This is similar to the one above, but still. Why is it that females have to be the ones made to carry babies? Why do we have to be the ones who have to deal with periods and pregnancy? Oh, right, they're related, but why?!
3. There are more women than men in this world, according to Theresa. She says there’s something like 59% women and 41% men. So you see, there are more females, which just makes it even harder for them to find a partner.
4. It’s a stereotypical view that guys should make the first move. (Yes yes, I know, it’s just a stereotype, but still.) Guys are expected to make the first move. They can ask as many girls out as they like, and it’s fine. But if a girl does that, she’s automatically considered a ‘slut’ or something similar.
5. Girls shop more often. Girls spend more money. Girls need more money. Need I say more?
6. Guys have more control on how they look. They have a higher metabolism, and can gain muscles/lose weight more easily. This is probably why you hear girls complaining about their weight more than you hear guys.
7. Public toilets. There is always a long line outside the girls toilets, whereas guys can do their business wherever they want, leaving their share of the toilets completely empty. Seriously, there shouldn’t be public toilet for guys. It’s a total waste of space.
8. Shaving or waxing is a pain in the ass. Enough said there.
Being a girl sucks, but since I'm such a girly girl, I wouldn't want to be a guy. I like the shopping, and being able to dress up. Oh, and I do like the fact that we don't have the crazy sex drive as well...