1. Punctuates on MSN? Yes, I type like this everywhere. Anywhere everywhere. It makes me look like a nerd, I can't stop. It’s stuck. I automatically go for the 'Shift' key when I start typing something, and always end with a full stop. There are some exceptions however. At times when I am eating something, on the phone, or anything that leaves me with only one hand to type, I am normal again. This would probably because I need two hands to create a capital letter. Unless of course, I use the 'Caps' key, which I never do.
2. Doesn’t do housework on a regular basis? No, I do not cook for the family, nor do I clean the toilets. Well, I know Theresa doesn’t either, but I don't know anyone else who doesn't as well. Jenny Nguyen calls us 'spoilt'. I beg to differ.
3. Isn’t excited about getting my L’s? I have Theresa to do that for me. As much as I do want to drive, I'm scared. I'd probably be so nervous and scared of crashing that when I get into the car that I'd end up crashing anyway.
4. Doesn’t have any idea what I want to do with my future? Seriously, everyone knows exactly what they want to do when they leave school. I’m the lost and confused one who’s wondering around not knowing what to do. It didn't really help when I was deciding on my subject selections for next year.
5. Doesn’t play Maple?! Why does everyone play Maplestory these days? Ok, maybe not exactly everyone, but all the people I usually talk to (Jenny, Jenny, Richard, Sophie, Theresa, Vincent. Yes, the people who I’m supposed to talk to the most!) have decided that their world suddenly resolves around Maple. Yeh, I don’t do much on MSN anymore. Feel free to come start a chat with me. You’d be more than welcome, I’m lonely.