Now that mother nature's starting to turn up the heat, remember to do the following before the summer hits:
- Check that the dormant air-conditioning system still works. You wouldn't want to find yourself stuck on a sweltering day with a broken air-con.
- Start packing two of the three doonas you have on your bed. It's starting to get quite warm, you don't need that many.
- Wave farewell to early-morning steaming cups of coffee.
- Wax your legs in preparation for letting them see the light of day for the first time in months.
- Stock up on sunscreen, sunnies, sunhats, and other sun-things, to avoid sunburn
Red peeling skin is so not cool. Neither is skin cancer.
- Buy yourself a new swimming costume, after you fail to locate the one you bought last summer, which was worn approximately zero times.
- Start packing up those boots and make way for clogs and sandals.
- Cut all that long hair off, to save yourself from having to tie it up in summer. Unless you're the kind of person who likes having strands of hair plastered to your forehead and neck, of course.
- Exfoliate! Get rid of those layers and layers of dead skin, that has accumulated all winter long.
- Stock up on deodorant. You'll need it. Lots of it.
- Test the hose. Now that water restrictions are looser, you can hose yourself all summer long.
- Buy lots and lots of ice cream.
- And those little mini umbrella-on-a-toothpick things, so you can stick them in your drinks to make them feel extra summer-y!
- Start packing for that holiday that's just around the corner. You know it's coming, you just don't know when.
- Buy gumboots, so you can go dancing around in the summer rain.