To: The Future Successful Me #3

It surprises me how quickly time passes by, and by doing this monthly ritual, it makes me realise how quickly I change, over such a small course of time. This whole monthly letter shenanigan started out as a little joke, but it has allowed me to reflect on all the changes that have taken place since I last wrote.

In the past month, I have endured many ups and downs. Sadly, I can't remember any of the ups at the moment, because the downs like to take over. But I suppose it's these downs that make the ups more enjoyable. They have also taught me things about myself and about others.

And this month, I've learnt many things about myself, not all are very pleasant. I am quick tempered, but often bottle it up until I simply explode. I tend to be overly melodramatic, over imaginative, and to over-think everything. I do irrational things that I end up regretting.

And I say 'I' too much.

One thing I recently learnt was that no matter what situation I'm in, someone somewhere in the world is always in a worst situation. It doesn't have to be someone across the globe. In fact, I found out a devastating piece of news today, involving people who I consider quite close to me.

This particular person I know has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and has approximately one year to live. He is holding back from telling his daughter, as her HSCs are nearing, and he doesn't want to disrupt her studying, or for her to worry.

I often read things like these in books, or watch them in films, but it has never occurred to me that something this serious could happen to people I know so well. It makes me realise that I'm too selfish and that I should stop thinking about myself when so many other people are suffering greater problems.

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random