Expectations; they’re inflicted upon us everyday. Some surprise us and don’t act as expected, but the majority of us abide by them. While we’re not forced to do anything, the former isn’t usually the safest avenue to explore.
Upholding expectations are easier said than done. I am fortunate enough to have a very influential person in my life. This person however, is but inspirational to me. I do not aspire to be anything like them- if anything, they are the last person I would like to be when I’m older.
Despite my negative impression upon them however, I say I am fortunate because they inflict upon me a great sense of expectation; expectations greater than that of my parents in some aspects. They expose me to seemingly unreachable levels of achievements, and then raise them to even higher standards once I reach them.
And each and every time, I feel it my duty to perform to expectation. Maybe because I know how disappointing it is to have someone fail you.
I was presented with one of those situations only recently. I had expected a certain close friend to act accordingly given a certain situation, but that certainly wasn’t the case, and things had ended a little messy. I have learnt not to expect too much from that certain person anymore. Call it fear of disappointment or what you may, but I feel it pointless to invest any more hope upon them.
And that is exactly what I fear. I fear of having others lose hope in me.