Night Of Your Life

Yes, I realise that Juicebox and I may be a little over prepared for the formal, but really, you have to make the best out of everything in life, and that includes your first formal. How often do you get to dress up, go out with the rest of your grade, and see everyone else dressed up? Seriously, go and try to imagine half the guys in our grade, in a tux. Go on. You see?! You will find yourself unable to imagine them, and on the night of the formal, you will get to see them all dressed up, and it'll be an experience to never forget.

So you'd want to make the most out of it, non?! Here's a list of things to do, to enjoy the formal to the max:

1. Be comfortable. Don't wear a dress too tight or too short if you're going to be feeling self conscious, don't wear a strapless dress if you're going to be pulling it up constantly, and don't wear towering heels if you think you'll suffer vertigo.

2. Eat as your heart desires. You're paying $135 or so, so don't let that food go to waste. Eat it up and eat it well.

3. Dance like nobody's watching. If dancing isn't your forte, join in anyway. No one's going to judge your dancing abilities, so say yes if someone asks you to dance with them, dance if the dancefloor is packed, and ask someone to dance with you if none of the above happen (yes, you!)

4. Live in the moment. Don't worry about the crappy day you had, don't contemplate the freezing shower you're going to take at 1am afterwards- enjoy the moment

5. Have an awesome girly session beforehand. Go to your friend's house, give each other pedicures, curl each other's hair, and giggle together. Yes, not all of us are girlie girls, but you don't have to take it seriously. Well; you could, but if you don't want to, just do it for the laughs.

6. Take a mother lode of pictures. Put it on your blogs (you can count on us to!), upload it to your bebo/myspace/facebook, cherish it forever and ever

7. Look amazing. Do all those finishing touches to your outfit, even if you don't think anyone's going to notice. It's not about what people think of you; it's how you feel.

8. Stay sober. This probably goes without saying, and I know the venue doesn't serve alcohol, but every year, people sneak in alcohol. So stay away from the temptation- you wouldn't want to trip into a wall or something.

Do the above and I can guarantee you an amazing night.

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random