Reasons Why I Love Christmas

1. The festivity: It’s all about the spirit of things! Everyone gets into it, whether they celebrate it religiously or not. You get to shout out “Merry Christmas” to anyone everyone who passes by, instead of your usual silent passing bys.

2. The shopping: Walk into Westfields and you’re greeted with tasteful Christmasey interior decorations. Not only that, it’s the season where store windows are graced with discount offers that just beg you to walk in. It’s a chance to overdose on the shopping, whether it be for yourself or others because this time, you actually have an excuse; it’s Christmas!

3. The presents: It’s always nice to be able to open a present you received from someone and absolutely love what’s inside. It’s even better to be able to find the perfect present you know someone else would totally adore.

4. The Christmas lights: It’s the only time where a drive out in the middle of the night can give you a warm cozy feeling. The streets are adorned with countless multicoloured little twinkling lights that promise to melt any heart.

5. The family time: My family always has a Christmas BBQ where everyone gathers around and fills each other in on the little adventures of life. It’s one of the very few opportunities to do so throughout the year. We don’t chuck that many big parties.

I can’t wait until Christmas. Another 21 days.

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random