1. So my Moleskine arrived: Though I haven’t really had the chance to use it properly yet. I mean, what planning does sitting in front of the computer all day long need? But I love it so, and I can’t wait until school starts!
2. Yeh, I can’t wait until school starts: The first day of school is always exciting- the new timetable, the new people, and I heard the school has undergone a whole makeover. Blue apparently, is all we’ll be seeing for a while.
3. Cute T-shirt and bags with even cuter logos: I love love love them. Especially the ‘Oui Oui’ t-shirt. Shame they’re out of my price range though. See here.
4. ‘Moonlight Resonance’: I’ve started watching dramas with my mum again. There’s nothing better to do these days, and it keeps my mind off things. But that doesn’t mean the drama isn’t worth watching though. I love it so. It’s the sequel to ‘Heart of Greed’ and tells the story of a family and their feud over a family bakery. The love scenes had me swooning like a little girl, the jokes made me laugh like a lunatic, whilst other scenes literally broke my heart in two.
5. The Guyde: Something someone showed me the other day. Something I think is fantastical. Something every guy should read. Something you should show all guys. Something you should click.