School's Back

Second day back from school and I’m dying. No, really. And because I’m dying and should really be doing something school-related, I shall blog in dot points.
  • Where the hell are the “new fish in the sea”?! I am of course referring to the supposed whole new class of new people were supposedly going to receive. I know of ONE new person. ONE! One of the reasons why I was looking forward to the first day of school was to see the new people. That, and my timetable.
  • My timetable, I’m happy with I guess. Can’t really expect anything better.
  • Except maybe my Biology teacher. Gosh, he is so daunting. Though I really shouldn’t be complaining. He’s supposed to be good. Guess I’ll have to wait to see for myself whether he really is.
  • Well, at least for once we have the good teachers- one of many advantages of being a senior.
  • Another being feeling superior in our white shirts.
  • Speaking of which, everyone looks so OLDDDD. I need to look at some people for a few seconds longer to be able to recognise them.
  • Oh, and our shirts are see-through. Now let’s go make them even more see-through by washing them every day.
  • And not washing them every day is absolutely not an option considering the weather these days. I am dripping by the time I get onto the train after school. Literally.
  • Although maybe not as literally as Van The Guy dripping wet. Honestly, Jenny N and I were sitting behind him in Biology. Let’s just say white shirts and extremely hot day equals even more see-through-ness and air bubbles on back. If you know what I mean.
  • Reminds me of the formal.
Ok, I just typed formal. This genius idea of blogging in dot points really isn’t working is it?

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