Red: I think it started when I was shoe shopping for my formal. The red version of any shoe seemed to outshine the other coloured versions. But it was too bad that I couldn’t simply just snap up a pair of killer red heels. I would have looked like I was in a serious need of colour co-ordination classes. So I stuck to my silver-but-would-have-looked-better-in-red heels instead.
Speaking of the formal, who misses it?! Damn, our cruise better be just as good. I am not liking what I see about it right now, but I digress. Back to the formal. I’m missing a lot of things right now, like carefree days, our formal, and year nine camp, and days where I could sit in front of the computer and actually be confident that there was nothing I actually should be doing. Unlike right now, where I really should be studying for my Biology test.
Dressing up: It’s always fun to go through someone else’s wardrobe, and that was exactly what we did last Sunday at Teacup’s. Yeh okay, I know you’ve seen the pictures and you probably think we’re lunatics, but try it. It’s actually a lot funner than you would imagine. There’s something extremely funny about pulling on massive amounts of awkwardly co-ordinated pieces of clothing.
D&G Collection: Have you guys seen it?! Omg, it is phenomenal. I’ve also found version #43509874958745 of my cruise dress. More about this on Saturday.
Being organised: I’ve printed off term planners and they sit (stick?) right beside me on the wall right next to my timetable. It forecasts that week 7 will be panic-fest, and that if I don’t start studying for my Biology test soon, it will be death by a certain biology teacher. I’ve also bought multiple lever arch folders in assorted colours, one for each subject. They make up a rainbow on my shelf.