Before you decide to read this post, I must warn you that I am in an extremely foul mood at the moment. And I am capped, so half the things I wanted to include in this post won't be there. Meaning, this post is going to be one extremely crappy post. You have been warned, read on if you must...
What I have achieved over the past two weeks:
- I bought like twenty rings off Ebay to add to my ring collection. I was going to take a picture, but as I mentioned above, I'm capped.
- I used a lot of money. On rings and shoes and winter clothing. But I must admit, it was not entirely a waste. In fact, I'd say that the money was rather well spent
- I DIYed a lot of things. I cut two pairs of jeans into shorts, and printed a shirt (I'll take a picture of them in two weeks, when I'm uncapped, and once exams are over). After the exams, I also plan to create my own version of an Alexander Wang sweater dress (I would normally provide a picture example, but for obvious reasons, I cannot. How about I describe it to you and you use your wonderful imagination to visualise it. It's like a giant giant sweater that sort of hangs off your shoulders and ends halfway down your thigh. It is metallic silver and there are random holes in the sweater, with pieces of black mesh behind the holes. If you can't visualise it, just try to imagine the epitome of bad-assedness. Or you can try google it- Alexander Wang metallic sweater dress.)
- I did not study. I don't think this can be classified as an achievement. More like an anti-achievement. A dis-achievement.
- But! I did practice maths. Oh yes I did. Oh hell I did. I practiced maths every single day for like a week, and redid every single exercise completed throughout the year so far.
- But! I realised I was going to fail despite this. I did the Maths past papers today, and realised how stupid I still was, depite the whole practice-maths regime. So now I am super depressed- I basically wasted a whole week studying something I'm going to fail, when I could've used the time to study something else.
- After watching Gossip Girl and America's Next Top Model excessively on the internet, I have managed to cap my internet, with still 15 days to go until I uncap.
- I have decided to chop off all my hair. Not ALL, but enough so that IT CAN STOP STICKING DOWN MY NECK ALL THE TIME. I do not think I am capable of communicating the annoyance I have experienced in regards to my hair, without exploding. It's like, someone constantly breathing down the back of your neck 24/7. I've always wanted loooong wavy hair, but I don't think I'd live through the process of growing it to that length. Whenever my hair gets about shoulder length, I just want to pull all my hair off my skull. It sticks down my collar, it tickles my face and gets in the way of everything, it sticks to my lips when I have Vaseline on, it decreases my comfort when I'm trying to lie on my pillow, it takes ages to dry, and it wastes 20 minutes of my life every morning, as I attempt to tame it.
- I'm continuing the above dotpoint here. It started getting too long. Anyway, continuing with hair-rant: YES. I hate the length of my hair at the moment, so as soon as the exams are done, I'm going to get it all chopped off then I can be all carefree and sleep in for an extra 20 minutes in the morning. And think of all the shampoo I'm saving!! I am excited. I think I have told some of you to stop me with all your might, if I ever decide to chop off all my hair again. But my mind is made. I CANNOT BE STOPPED. End hair rant.