I had an 'OFFICIAL HOLIDAY TO-DO LIST' in my diary. Every holiday, I would build giant mental lists of things to do, then never get around to doing anything. I am proud to say that I managed to accomplish everything on my Holiday To-Do list, except learn to drive. It's probably a good thing that I never got around to driving, otherwise some of us wouldn't be conscious right now. But other than that, I got everything else done. Yes, I went on a shopping spree, bought heaps of books, watched Coco Avant Chanel, finally bought a signature perfume (Echo by Davidoff in case you were wondering), redecorated my room, and yes, I baked cupcakes.
'Bake cupcakes!' wasn't a serious suggestion. It was an after thought. It was the last thing on my list. I put it on to make it look like my holiday was going to have a lot of purpose. I really did not think I would actually get aroudn to baking cupcakes. BUT YES I DID, on monday, the Jenny and I pulled up to Jenny N's kitchen and we had a BAKING FRENZY for four whole hours. 32 cupcakes and 45 cookies. I felt like I was on Master Chef:
After a lot of screaming, wrecked clothing, trying to identify our biscuits by covering our hands in butter + food colouring before moulding the cookies, jamming a glove in egg beater, then killing the egg beater, throwing sprinkles all over the kitchen table, and choking over flour floating around the kitchen:
It was all tasted pretty good yesterday. And I woke up without any funny symptoms. But we brought them to school today, and the biscuits were rock hard.
At least they looked cute though.