10 Reasons Why I Hate Hot Weather

1. There are so many flies everywhere ready to chomp my face off. I hypothesise that if I didnt swat them away with my hands- if I just stood there waiting for flies to come eat my face off, they would. One would probably land, then send smelly signals to his friends and the whole colony would come and chomp my face off.

2. My hair frizzles up and goes funny, or clamps onto my forehead/neck. It's disgusting! I wish they had neck/face antiperspirant.

3. Because I sweat like crazy, and sweating leads to drinking more water, and drinking more water leads to going to the toilet more. It is a VICIOUS CYCLE, and once you're in it, you'll never manage to break out!!! I swear I've consumed at least 5 600ml bottles of water today.

4. You can only wear like a maximum of 3 items of clothing, including underwear. There are only so many things you can wear, then all the combinations are gone and you're stuck wearing the same old stinky thing over and over again. And actually PUTTING on clothes is a huge chore in the morning too. When its forty degrees, all you want to do is waddle around the house in your underpants.

5. You feel all drowsy and incoherent and unable to think straight. The whole world is woozy (though it might be the heat waves and not your brain), and all you want to do is fall asleep but you cant because YOU ARE IN AN ANCIENT HISTORY LESSON and everybody knows you cant just drop asleep in the middle of an Ancient History lesson, you might miss out on something important.

Okay forget about 10, the heat is getting to me, 5 will do!

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