I have been asked by various people to take pictures of:
1. My dog
2. My backyard
3. My shoe closet.
I was going to do an outfit post today except I was all disgusting and dripping in sweat, and I thought I'd be considerate to all my readers and save you the disgust. So, I'll show you my dog/backyard/shoes instead.
My doggie:

Yoshi has grown SO BIG since I last took pictures of him. The pet shop owners told us he wouldn't grow very big. Obviously, THEY LIED, SINCE HE'S KIND OF HUGE.
The backyard:

That's the little red bridge that I really like. It leads to the pagoda/gazebo thing. The pagoda/gazebo thing is infested and will probably fall down any day now.

And this is a little passage at the back of the backyard, where all the palm trees reside. It's really pretty except there are milk cartons peeping out of everywhere (Yoshi dragged them there. And yes, Yoshi is capable of dragging milk cartons. He's also capable of eating all the plants and polluting the backyard with coal. Oh, and burying all my school socks.)
The shoe closet:

I ran out of space and had to get my dad to hammer in two extra shelves. It's pretty jam-packed right now, so there's no doubt I'll be needing more shelves very soon (especially after I save enough money to mass order from Forever 21).

AAAAAAAAND, the latest addition to the family:

They were $30 from RMK, bought on ebay. I've been wearing them non-stop, and scoring a bucketload of compliments. I LOVE RECEIVING RANDOM COMPLIMENTS FROM STRANGERS, I wish I had the nerve to randomly compliment other people since I know how much it makes my day.
Other thing's happening in life right now:
- I'm feeling really bored with my hair at the moment. You may have caught me desperately attempting to spruce it up with a number of headbands, but I still feel bored. Don't worry, I won't go crazy and chop it all off again. I already have three people ready to kill me (not really, but telling a random guy that I'm attracted to him, or plucking off every body hair, is close enough) if I dare cut off any hair. But I think I might dye my hair some funky colour, or maybe get some fluffy bangs. We'll see.
- Year 12 is not affecting me at all. It's gotten easier, if anything. Maybe because doing 3 units of Maths totally stressed me out, and since dropping to 2 units, it's like a holiday now. Seriously- before, I had to do three pages of homework (quite literally). Now I get three questions for homework (also quite literally).
- I'm addicted to corn. It's been a while now actually, but ever since I had that first cup of corn from Corn Club all those weeks ago.... now I can't even go a day without a giant bowl of corn.
- I'M GOING TO THE GOLD COAST AT THE BEGINNING OF NEXT YEAR!! I'm soooooooo excited but I have no swimming costume. Actually, I do (three, all unworn), but I want a NEW one. Which is silly, I suppose you can reason that all the other three are new since I've never worn them. But screw you, I'm going to get a new one and that's that.