YESSSSSS, after an almost year-long hunt for the perfect wedge boots, I finally came across a pair from Topshop. I bought them as an end-of-exam present for myself and decided to spruce them up today.
1. Topshop Addison wedge ankle boots (£80, or $140AUD)
2. Reflective mirror wall-sticker ($10), or alternatively, chrome stickers people use for decorating their cars
3. Superglue
Addison boots:
I thought the strip would end up looking something like a slightly curly 2cm thick strip. HOW WRONG I WAS, in the end, it looked something like Sailor Moon's tiara. GODDDD, it took ages to work out.
So after an hour of frustrated measuring and sticky, burning, tingly, crap-attracting fingers...
EEUUUUURGH I'M OVER THE MOON, I'm going to be wearing these babies for months. They're actually surprisingly comfy. I clomped around in them for a whole afternoon after they came, they're crazy high (15cm, or... 6 inches) but AMAZINGLY COMFY. I think it's because the huge platform= heavier and more stable, it anchors your foot down + the leather inside feels like butter.
God Australian shoe brands are hilarious in comparison. $140 in Australia can get you a pair of kinda-amazing-looking but ridiculously uncomfortable and crappily-made shoes that are synthetic. $140 in the UK can get you a pair of 100% leather wonderful shoes (like these, or Doc Martens, which are also pretty amazing and comfy). THAT'S IT, I'M MOVING TO EUROPE.
Anyway so I'm going to blog like crazy to make up for the past term. I have HEAAAAAPS to tell y'all about. I'm cleaning out my wardrobe at the moment, I was going to open an online store with Jess and Van to sell all our junk last holiday but we never got around to launching it. Then Jess beat me to the punch so now I'll be lodging over at her store (Selling my Crap). I think it has a ring to it.
PLUS, I have like 20 outfit posts to do, and possibly a humongous purchase post, AND I need to get on with this photography project I'm doing with a bunch of people.