The process of subject selections has confirmed that my school is run by a bunch of lunatics. Yes, it enforces a bunch of stupid rules that are not only pointless, but in effect, cause us, the students, to suffer!
I don’t see why they won’t let me do one extra unit. I'm just asking for ONE! I don’t want to do Religion. Didn’t they tell us to pick subjects that we like, ones we enjoy, and ones that will benefit us in the future?! Religion doesn’t fit into any of those categories!
Unless you go to my school, you’d probably be wondering why I’m forced into doing Religion, because surely, no other school makes their students do exactly 12 units. No more, no less.
I want to do Maths Extension I. I really do. I am not going to drop that. So, since the school thinks I am too stupid to do English Extension I (I’m not disagreeing), I am forced into doing a 1 unit subject. The only available options are Religion or Fundamentals of English, which is only available for Standard English.
And I am hoping that I’d get into Advanced. No, I will refuse to do Standard. I am totally capable! Stupid school. If I was in any other school, I bet they’d let me do Advanced.
Subjects I am considering: English, Maths, Maths Ext I, Chemistry and Physics. I need another three units. One of which will have to be Religion.
ARGHS this whole subject selections thing is stressing me out. I am mentally incapable of making such a potentially life-changing choice at the moment. I am still too clueless, and I have a change it future plans every two weeks or so.
If you asked me what I wanted to be two weeks ago, I would've said 'advertising executive!' without pausing. But now, I have recently discovered that UTS has raised its requirement UAI for Visual Communications from 93-point-something to 95.9. I CANNOT GET THAT. Not to mention, the International Studies degree I wanted to get with that requires a 99.90. I am POSITIVE I will not get that.
So now I am cluelessly drifting around trying to figure out my future.
One thing I know is that I'm doing design & technology and music. No one can stop me. I also plan to do chemistry, but that's where the certainty ends.
I am too chicken to do 3u Maths and English. I know I can if I wanted to, but I don't think I want to. Sure, it sounds flashy, but I am told that it's all about the ranking. Right now, I am only average in the top English and Maths classes. I think I would prefer to be top in a slightly lower class.
And if I were to do Standard Maths and Advanced English, then I can take in another subject, like French or Ancient History, both of which I really want to do.
Many people disagree. They tell me it's a waste of brain, and I could do it if I really tried.
But I don't think I can if my heart isn't really in it.
I have a feeling I'm going to regret whatever my decision is. If I choose the harder units, I will forever be thinking 'I should've chosen something easier. Then I wouldn't be only average.'
But if I choose the easier subjects, I will eternally wonder if I am not using my full potential. Sigh.
Can't we just delay these decisions for another couple of years or so?