To: The Future Successful Me #1

Because I have nothing better to do with my time, and because I'm crazy and like talking to myself, I have decided to use this new blog as an opportunity to send the future me monthly letters. In hope that one day when I'm older and wiser (and hopefully taller), I can read back on my adolescence days and find amusement. So here goes:

Hi there.
I realise that you probably will have forgotten about this whole ordeal in about 10 years time, and you would be so successful and rich that you won't have time to read letters from your silly 15-year-old past, but if you happen to somehow bump your head and remember these letters, please allow me to steal some of your time.

Or maybe you're not all that successful. You can't be living in some gutter somewhere right? Because that would be all my fault for blogging when I should be doing my homework, which would cause me to fail, then I'll become a hopeless hobo, then you'd become a hopeless hobo. Yes. It's all my fault.

But I ensure you that won't happen. I will do my homework right after I finish this. I promise.

Right now, I can't help but feel that you are so much better off than I am at the moment. Because you are older.

Gee, teenagers these days. Where do I start? About 80% of people my age either believe that they can cripwalk or shuffle, or whatever it's called, or that they are emo. In case you've forgotten I'll gently remind you that cripwalking/shuffling involves wearing baggy pants with a big metal ring over your backside, and 'dancing' (I've always thought that it looked more like an epileptic seizure than dancing) to horribly loud music that is extremely repetitious (have they never heard Ms F's lecture on not repeating the same musical ideal too much otherwise the audience will get bored?). Yes. Many people my age seem to believe that they possess the talent to look like they're having an epileptic fit.

And in case you've forgotten, you have no idea how many people think they're going emo these days. Wasn't it too long ago that the term emo was used to refer to a style of music?! Well now, people think that if they wear enough eye-liner and hate the world enough, they'll be able to join the exclusive world of emos, which, surprise surprise! Is not that exclusive after all. These people boast the fact that they are individuals and are different, but in actual fact, they all dress in pretty much the same way, cut themselves in the same places, and listen to the same commercialised bands.

I truly hope that the teenagers of the future are an improvement.

But if they're only getting worse, then take care of your children when they're teenagers. Please do not allow them to become trend whores, and do your best to stop them from hanging out with people who are likely to convert them and make them turn into one of those people you used to hate when you were their age.

Okay, toodles for now~

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random