Before I show you that promised vlog, I'll recount what I've been up to since I last posted, since the past few days have been quite eventful.
On Thursday, the family and I decided to go to the city to await the pope's arrival. The city was so strange with pilgrims marching around everywhere, waving their flags around and singing their lungs off. Everything was so freaking festive and joyous, but in a good way. Here are a few pics:
It was crazy, when the pope arrived, everyone started jumping around, shrieking, waving their flags, hands, anything they had in their hands, and taking pictures like ballistic Japanese tourists. It was truly amazing, and it awes me how such an event could attract the attention of so many people from all over the world. I managed to get a pretty clear shot of the pope:
After that, we decided to wait on the lined streets for the motorcade, but ended up waiting close to two hours. Yes, two hours for this:
The backside of the pope's bullet-proof car. It moved by so quickly, and after he passed, everyone around me was complaining about him moving so fast, and were marvelling over the cameras of those fortunate enough to take a picture of the pope.
I took this trip to the city as an opportunity to hunt for the ever-so-rare Moleskine notebook (rare in Australia, that is). It was probably sold at about 4 places in the whole CBD, so I spent my time hunting down those stores to find a Moleskine. Three out of these four places did not sell the art notebook I wanted, but at last, I found the notebook in all its glory in Kikki. K.
It was such a cute store, I ended up spending over $50 in it. Which wasn't much, considering that the Moleskine alone costed $32. Here are some of my purchases (this is like major advertisement for this place, they should pay me):
And look what they have in the lining of their gorgeous bags:
Isn't that so charming?!
Mum & me- people often mistaken her to be my sister, which I hope is a good thing, hopefully, the youthful gene passes through me.
Oh, I don't love the lack of toilet though. It seems that the whole city seems to be lacking in working ladies' rooms. After 9 hours of walking and hydrating myself, my bladder reached its limit, and it was time to go to the loo. Only, I spent 30 minutes looking for a toilet. I kid you not, there were no working women's toilets. Not the QVB, not KFC, not Maccas, not the 4-storey Supre store, not even the freaking train station. They all had signs in front with some excuse or other about maintenance or something.
Anywhos, my fingers have tired themselves from typing, so while I go rest my fingers, you go watch the very crappy vlog I filmed last week:
Yes, it's a complete and total mess of bits spliced together, I pinky promise the next one will be better.![=] =]](
Anywhos, my fingers have tired themselves from typing, so while I go rest my fingers, you go watch the very crappy vlog I filmed last week:
Yes, it's a complete and total mess of bits spliced together, I pinky promise the next one will be better.
Before I zoom off, I need help desperately. Again. It's much more important- subject selections. My subject selection sheet is still as empty as my bank account, and I just can't make up my mind. I am on the verge of insanity, and if someone doesn't help me soon, I'm going to jump off a cliff. Okay, here are the choices.
To either do:
a) Music in Year 11 and drop it in Year 12, or
b) Extension 1 in both English and Maths, keep it for Year 12 and have 12 units altogether, have something to fall back on just in case.
Here are the pros and cons of choosing music:
- I enjoy it.
- It's easy, it's a bludge, it's fun
- Less study
- It's a waste of time, I wont continue it
- It's irrelevant to my future career
- Doesn't scale too well
- Leaves me with only 10 units- nothing to fall back on
- I rank well in my school, but my school totally sucks at it, so compared to the state, I suck.
Pros and cons of choosing Extension 1 for English and Maths:
- 12 units means I have something to fall back on
- Slightly more relevant to my future career, but not really required- it'll just look flashy
- Scales better
- 'Waste of brain if I don't do it', as I'm told by too many people
- It will challenge me. Yes it is harder, but I work better when challenged and pressured. If I do Standard Maths and Advanced English, I will laze around, I will bludge, I will be over-confident.
- I slightly enjoy English, but I hate Maths.
- I am not top for either of them. I am merely above average.
- I am not prepared to commit all that time to those two subjects. If I choose extension, it will mean I have both Maths and English almost every day. It also means that I will have homework for these subjects almost every night- these two subjects are the highest homework-giving subjects, mind you.
- It is hard, I am scared.
I am stupid and naive, whenever I balance my Pros and Cons, I always end up choosing the ones with more Cons anyways, please tell me what to do. I am lost and possibly insane at the moment, I am not capable of deciding. PLEASE HELP ME. I BEG OF YOU.