Project Impossible: Physical Features

Day 5; final day of Project Impossible:
If you could change one of your physical features, what would it be?

Jenny's response:

Well, I’m already changing my teeth (braces) sometime near the end of this year, so does that count?

But if I were given a choice to change something, anything about myself, it wouldn’t be my teeth. The only reason I am changing my teeth is because it is so much simpler than changing something like say, my nose or eyes for example. Seriously, it doesn’t involve any surgery (actually, mine does involve removing a tooth stuck in my gum through surgery, but that’s not really counted) or risks, or big money (ok, just not as big money).

So, if not teeth, I would change my eyes. I don’t exactly hate the way they look, although I don’t exactly like how they look either, but they are so bad. Bad, in that I am short sighted. I don’t wear glasses, but I still have to wear contacts everyday. It is such as hassle having to put them on and take them off everyday and night.

Some people take their perfect 20-20 eyesight for granted. They should try experiencing what it’s like having to wear glasses/contacts everyday.

Theresa's response:

Oh this is an easy one. It’s not really a specific thing, it’s more like… an area. Now, before you start getting any raunchy thoughts, I’ll tell you- the lower half of my face. I know I should be happy with what I have, but it’s not like I obsess over the bottom half of my face everyday or something. It’s merely an area I would change if I had the opportunity. Not that I would go as far as plastic surgery to get it fixed.

I just really hate my teeth. My teeth point in all directions (it’s something inherited from my dad’s side of the family. You should see our family group photos where everyone’s grinning.) I also quite dislike my lips. I don’t exactly mind them, but it would be nice if my lips were slightly wider (horizontally).

I also dislike my jaw and chin. My jaw is so sloped, and it’d be nice if it was more square. The whole sloped jaw thing makes my chin really pointy and angular too, and the effect of this seems to magnify in photos (especially side-on ones).

So if I could magically change anything physical feature of mine, it would be the whole bottom half of my face. I’m quite content with the upper half.

What would YOU do?

Okay, that's it people! Bid your teary farewells to this lovely blog project, 'cos it's not coming back! But don't get too sad, just know that whenever Jenny and I are bored out of our minds again, we'll start another blogging project.

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