So I’m back from a three hour long intense study session at Jenny Nguyen’s house. Shocked? Surprised? You should be.
Anyways, that’s beside the point. I learnt a lot about Jenny today. Let me introduce you to the home of Jenny Nguyen.
Her house contains a lot of food. No seriously, imagine my shock when she opens her pantry to get something to eat, and I see approximately fifty packets of liquid Gravox gravy, all lined up in boxes labelled according to their flavours. There’s mushroom, beef, and god knows what else.
There are also two separate freezers in her laundry room. (Separate in that they aren’t connected to her fridge. Seriously, who needs two extra freezers?). I looked in them once, and she keeps everything frozen inside. There’s meat, pies, even bread. Yes, frozen bread.
She tells me I will be regretful for laughing at her when the world runs out of food. Ironically, whenever we go over to her house, she refuses to feed us and insists we bring our own food.
She also has a pen holder on her desk that contains pens that have run out. She keeps a collection of pens for no apparent reason other than the fact that “they look nice there”.
Jenny watches the ABC Kids channel everytime she eats dinner (that would be right after school), but she only watches “the pictures”. Our conversation in front of the TV went like so:
Me: *Laughs at the lameness of the TV show* Omgs, how can you watch this, it is so lame.
Her: Huh? Oh, I don’t actually listen to what they say. I just look at the pictures. They’re pretty.
She also religiously brushes her teeth after drinking soft-drinks in fear her cavity will come and haunt her again. I had no idea.
Jenny's kitchen has a hole in it's ceiling. No, not a hole hole. It's supposed to be a sun roof.
Her backyard also contains a punching bag that one one touches. It is simply hung there to gather dust. And apparently, it can be seen on Google Earth, but don't quote me on that. I will try it one day. Yes, I will go on Google Earth and hunt down the poor punching bag