EDIT: Haloscan has just killed itself (again)
What would you do if you were granted 3 wishes (and no you can not wish for more wishes)
Jenny's response:
Aww, I want more wishes. Can I ask for other people who can grant me more wishes? I guess not.
Wish #1: Wisdom. I want to be a smart cookie! Because if you’re smart, you can do anything, right? I would be able to do whatever I want without my current stupid brain being in the way. See, if I was super smart at the moment, I wouldn’t even have to go to school. Then I’d have an extra six hours a day to do whatever I want! And that’s only part of being smart.
Wish #2: Just in case my “wisdom” doesn’t exactly get me very far, I want a job. A job that I would love. One that will provide me with a good income. So I can make big money doing something I enjoy. I have no idea what it is I enjoy at the moment, but since this magical person giving me wishes is so magical, it should be able to give me something it knows I will enjoy, right?
Wish #3: A happy family. What’s the point if I’m not happy?
And I just ensured my future. Being smart, having a job that pays well, and being happy. That’s everything, right?
Theresa's response:
I think 3 wishes are a bit too much. If I had three wishes, I would use up one and probably give the other two to people who really need it. First thing I’d want is something to keep me happy forever. Whether it’s a person, object or feeling, I don’t really care, but it’d be nice to be able to live the rest of my life content with everything I have, unaffected by other people’s opinions.
Actually, I take back the thing about giving the other two wishes away. I’d wish for world peace next. I know that’s very typical and all, but it would be very pleasant to be able to have the peace of mind, knowing that there aren’t people all over the world, at this very moment, sacrificing their lives over some stupid disagreement or for some ballistic tyrant.
And world peace isn’t just about all those large-scale fights. I mean the little disagreements and crimes too. It would be nice to have a crime-free world, without murder or rape or any of that. I know I’m being very delusional and any of this is impossible, but really, what are the chances of me finding a magic lamp with a genie to give me 3 wishes? So if the impossible happens, I will wish for the impossible.
Last wish: no more world hunger. Again, very cliché, but I’m not in the mood to think up some creative answer at the moment. Being able to eat without feeling guilty about people on the other side of the world having nothing to eat, would be bliss.
What would YOU do?