Project Impossible: Super Powers

Day 2 of Project Impossible: today's question is:
What would you do if you could have any super power?

Theresa's response:
That’s a hard one. It took me a while to choose between being able to read minds, and time travelling, but after much thought, I chose time travelling. That is, if all those complications wouldn’t occur (you know, like making mankind nonexistent, or wiping out a whole race of people. Oh, and that whole scenario of never being born).=]

But wouldn’t it be cool to never have any regrets, ever? Yeh yeh, don’t give me that look. Yes, you have regrets from past mistakes, and mistakes let you learn, but if you could turn back time and undo all your regrets, you still learn anyway. It’s like, learning the hard way, the easy way. You know, without any consequences. You’re still learning, non? You’re just able to fix them up.nodnod

Also, I’ve always thought that time runs are little too quickly for my liking. Everyone’s always rushing here and there to get things done. What if we could just turn back time, adding a new layer of time to think things over or to do things we don’t have enough time to do?

I have the memory of a goldfish, so being able to turn back time and relive memories that have been shoved out of my mind, would be nice. It’ll be nice entertainment, to be able to relive things long gone, or to see people who you haven’t met up with for years.

Jenny's response:

Without a doubt- I’d want to be able to teleport myself. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate travelling? Imagine being able to zoom yourself somewhere without having to wait in traffic. You’d never be late!

I would be able to visit any part of the world without having to wait a few hours on a plane (imagine all the time I would be saving), and I could come back, whenever I wanted to.

I’d also be able to pay people surprise visits. Wouldn’t it be a nice surprise if I just appeared right beside you, right now? Ok, maybe it wouldn’t be for you, but it would be fun for me. LOL

And it’d be impossible to be able to trap me somewhere. I could go and commit as many crimes I wanted, not that I would, and I could very easily get out of jail.

What would YOU do?

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