And it's now time for the answers! I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who participated. Thank you, It was much fun reading your answers, and seeing what you really thought were true or false about us
Anyway, let's cut to the chase. The answers (the lies) are in bold:
a. I find satisfaction in doing Maths (46%) - I have a love-hate relationship with maths. As much as I hate the subject, I do find satisfaction in doing it. I hate doing maths. I will never do maths just for fun, but when I do do maths, I like the feeling I get when I finally find the answer after 47598756 hours of trying to work it out. And yes, I do realise there is little logic behind my explanation.
b. I have always been jealous of one of my friends. This is the reason I do not like her, though I pretend to (16%) - Not true. I don't really have a reason for it, simply that it isn't true?
c. I have had a crush on a teacher (38%) - Ok, some people commented something along the lines of "I hope this isn't true". Well, I guess it is now, but I'll tell you that it's not one from school (haha, as if I'd like anyone from school), and that he's 19, and in uni. So it's totally acceptable!
a. I have fallen for a best friend. Things didn't turn out as well as I expected (23%) - true.
b. A best friend has fallen for me. Things didn't turn out as well as they expected (62%) - true.
c. I've fallen for a best friend and had the feeling returned. Things didn't turn out as well as we expected (15%) - Ironic as it may seem, not true.
a. I have stolen milk from the camp kitchen about every 2 hours or so, during Year 9 camp (16%) - Yes, I have done this before. I have no idea why, actually.
b. I have ripped a very expensive item of clothing in a store, and returned it back to the rack (46%) - And yes, I've done this too.
c. I bargain with shopkeepers everytime I make a purchase (38%) - I would never do this, although, I'm cheap, and not to mention broke, I'd never bargain with shopkeepers. I'd just be too embarrassing.
a. I have posted one of my secrets to PostSecret and it has been published (31%) - I think this one is the less extreme one out of the three, but yes, it is the lie.
b. I have deliberately mislead someone to fall madly in love with someone else, by providing them with false information (7%) - Yeh, I have done this, with a group of other people *hides in shame* It was a long time ago, and I was young and stupid back then, and I was under the influence of others. I know none of these are excuses, and I know what I did was stupid and I have learnt.
c. I have attempted a mass media fraud scheme, which almost got me famous, until my parents got in the way (62%) - Hardly a media fraud, but one nonetheless. My group and I were planning to go camping and pretend we were stranded in a river or something, and then call the police and turn famous for surviving I've-forgotten-how-many hours without food. But then we realise our parents would never let us out, ever again, so the plan was scraped. Poor us.
a. I hate my knees and express this by stabbing at it with a Sharpie (38%) - I do hate my knees, and Theresa and I have stabbed at it countless times with a Sharpie in attempt to draw things on them. Yes, we're weird like that.
b. I have run away from home. I eventually got hungry and returned, only to realise no one even noticed I was gone (23%) - As if I'd ever run away from home. I'm not stupid enough to run away with no money, no job, nothing- I have nothing.
c. I faint on a regular basis. When I went to visit the doctor about this, I fainted again (31%) - Yes, I have fainted numerous times; I suffer from iron deficieny. When the doctor took a blood sample, I saw the blood gushing out of me and fainted again. Someone save me.
My set of statements proved to be much more difficult than Theresa's. No one actually got them all right, and some people didn't get any right at all. I was talking to Richard about it outside, and he says that it may be because I don't "open up" to people and tell them things about myself. I beg to differ.
Yeh, I have things I like to keep to myself, but I believe that telling someone about something will actually help the situation, so I tend to talk about things, as opposed to bottling them up. I'm not saying I do it right away, I need my time, and I'm not saying I can "open up" to just anyone either, but I'll say I'm not one to keep everything to myself.
Despite this, most of the statements above happened over a couple of years. You either had to be there, or had to have known me during that time, to know about them. It has nothing to do with me "opening up" to people. They're just not something I'd randomly bring up in a conversation. As you can see, they're not exactly my proudest and finest moments.
My turn. Before I go on to explaining the answers, I would like you to note that some of these things happened a while ago, I am ashamed of some of them, and I have learnt from my mistakes. Some of them may seem uncharacteristic of me. This is because, as I said before, my compilation of facts span back from a while ago. These facts have been based upon my entire life, so please don't let these truths differ what I am to you.
And for those of you who got few right, there is no need to be ashamed. This is just for some fun and games, and even my closest friends don't know some of these things. Like Jenny said earlier, these aren't things I bring up randomly in conversations.
a. I have this weird obsession with Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, and secretly wish to dress up as her (31%) - I'm actually hoping that someone would chuck a costume party already, so I can dress up as my all time favourite fictional character.
b. I have this weird obsession with Louis XVI furniture, years before I watched Marie Antoinette, and secretly wish to decorate my room completely in Louis XVI furniture (15%) - Also true, I fell in love with the style a while ago, and plans to redecorate my room are underway right now.
c. I have this weird obsession with guys who have thick eyebrows, and it's the first thing on a guy that I look at (54%) - HA as if. I can't believe all of you who thought this was actually real. Eyebrows?! WTH. They don't matter to me at all.
a. I have been approached and asked to model for a certain product, but I refused (38%) - as if I'd refuse. Anything for extra money, I say...
b. I have performed for over 200 people on several occasions (7%) - if you knew that I've been playing the piano for the past eleven years, you should know this also.
c. I have played in a crowd scene for a movie, alongside Cate Blanchett (55%) - True, Cate Blanchett acted in Little Fish in Cabramatta a few years back, and I was walking buy randomly when the director snatched me up and made me walk back and forth several thousand times.
a. I have been involved in a fight, and lost three teeth in the process (62%) - HA! Do I look like I'm missing several teeth to you?!
b. I have a fake ID which I have used (7%) - Yes, the school issued me with an ID that said I was born on the 29th of March 1992, making me one year and one day older than I really am. And yes, I have used it
c. I have shoplifted for a friend (31%) - True. Ask Jenny Nguyen if you want to know more.
a. I purposely start sobbing my eyes out on a regular basis, because it makes me feel better (15%) - Okay these are starting to get harder to explain. Crying is underrated. A good cry never hurt anyone.
b. I go up to 48 hours without food whenever I'm down (70%) - I can't even skip a single meal of my day, let alone go up to 2 days without food. I'd die.
c. I eat icecream on a daily basis, because it puts me in a good mood (15%) - ice cream is my saviour.
a. I have asked someone out but have been rejected (55%) - untrue. Need more be said?
b. I once ran an online match-making service in attempt to interrogate a guy who liked me (7%) - It was ages ago, I was young and naive, please don't question this any further.
c. I fell for someone I met over the internet, and still think of him regularly (37%) - I'm not expanding on this. If you know who I'm talking about, then good on you.
That is all.
And in case you haven't noticed, nobody won
Just for the record though, Jenny G and Jenny N got the most right for Jenny's set. They both got 3 out of 5 right. Jenny G again, got the highest for Theresa's. She knew all of them *shock*.