EDIT: Haloscan's up and running again, so feel free to comment!
Happy Dandelion Day!
Ok, dear blog readers, as mentioned yesterday, we shall be celebrating Dandelion Day by playing a little game!
I'm sure it'd take us a step closer to understanding each other (actually, you do most of the learning here, we merely get to see what you guys think of us). I encourage everyone to participate~ it'll make it a lot more fun. Be prepared to be presented with pieces of information that will shock and horrify you. Just try not to think of us too differently.
Below are 5 sets of statements, each containing two truths and one lie. Your job is to hunt down the lie, and comment with the answers. (God, I sound like some game-show host)
Let the game begin!
a. I find satisfaction in doing Maths
b. I have always been jealous of one of my friends. This is the reason I do not like her, though I pretend to
c. I have had a crush on a teacher
a. I have fallen for a best friend. Things didn't turn out as well as I expected
b. A best friend has fallen for me. Things didn't turn out as well as they expected
c. I've fallen for a best friend and had the feeling returned. Things didn't turn out as well as we expected
a. I have stolen milk from the camp kitchen about every 2 hours or so, during Year 9 camp
b. I have ripped a very expensive item of clothing in a store, and returned it back to the rack
c. I bargain with shopkeepers everytime I make a purchase
a. I have posted one of my secrets to PostSecret and it has been published
b. I have deliberately mislead someone to fall madly in love with someone else, by providing them with false information
c. I have attempted a mass media fraud scheme, which almost got me famous, until my parents got in the way
a. I hate my knees and express this by stabbing at it with a Sharpie
b. I have run away from home. I eventually got hungry and returned, only to realise no one even noticed I was gone
c. I faint on a regular basis. When I went to visit the doctor about this, I fainted again.
My turrrrn.
a. I have this weird obsession with Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, and secretly wish to dress up as her.
b. I have this weird obsession with Louis XVI furniture, years before I watched Marie Antoinette, and secretly wish to decorate my room completely in Louis XVI furniture.
c. I have this weird obsession with guys who have thick eyebrows, and it's the first thing on a guy that I look at.
a. I have been approached and asked to model for a certain product, but I refused.
b. I have performed for over 200 people on several occasions
c. I have played in a crowd scene for a movie, alongside Cate Blanchett
a. I have been involved in a fight, and lost three teeth in the process
b. I have a fake ID which I have used
c. I have shoplifted for a friend
a. I purposely start sobbing my eyes out on a regular basis, because it makes me feel better.
b. I go up to 48 hours without food whenever I'm down
c. I eat icecream on a daily basis, because it puts me in a good mood
a. I have asked someone out but have been rejected.
b. I once ran an online match-making service in attempt to interrogate a guy who liked me.
c. I fell for someone I met over the internet, and still think of him regularly.
There you go people, take your guess, and please give reasons for your choices