5 Reasons Why You Should Come to the Formal!

Our formal is coming up, and there aren’t as many people as I anticipated who are actually going. So, this is for those who go to my school:

1. It’s a formal. You get to dress up, buy pretty dresses, be girly for once! Ok, that’s my main reason for going, and I do realise that some people aren’t as excited about the whole prospect of dressing up as much as I am, but hey, no one said you need to go in a dress! Feel free to come in a tux. I heard some people are. You won’t be alone~ And if anything, you'll get to see other people who you'd never expect to wear a dress be in one!

2. Do you know how many people are leaving at the end of this year?! Yes, I think you are aware of the number of people who you will probably no longer ever see again. Why? Because there is that many people leaving. So pay them some sort of tribute and party as a grade for the last (and first) time.

3. This one's for all those who say 'Oh, but I have tutor or somethingsomething'. I do too! Do you see me missing out on my formal just for tutor? Whatever your reason, the formal has to be better than whatever you normally do on a Friday night. Seriously, unless it’s your wedding, or something, I’m sure whoever’s organising it will understand.

4. It is a universal law that all guys under the age of forty looks hot in a tux. And yes, I do know that no guy in our grade could go anywhere close to "hot", but it'll be an improvement, no?

5. Ok, Van's going to kill me, but how would you like to see Van slow danceeee? If you come, I can almost guarantee you, no, I guarantee you that you'll see her do so, with more than one guy too ;D (Yes Van, I promised them, you promised me, you better stick to it!)

There. 5 reasons. I don't even know if you can still come, but it won't hurt to try!

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Adapted from layout by Quite Random