Gossip Girl isn't just the latest flimsy show that everyone's only watching because everyone else is watching it. And if you have been unfortunate enough to have thought so, and haven't watched it yourself, here are 5 reasons why you should. Before it's too late.
1. It's set in New York City. Upper East, New York city, to make things better. So Gossip Girl acts as a terrific insight into the fantastic places in New York City that the dump hole we live in is deprived of.
1. It's set in New York City. Upper East, New York city, to make things better. So Gossip Girl acts as a terrific insight into the fantastic places in New York City that the dump hole we live in is deprived of.
2. The clothes. I would happily take any of the female characters' wardrobes (that is, if someone offered, but I highly doubt that. If the producers of the show happen to be passing by here, I am a desperate fan who is in desperate need of new clothes. Hint hint!) I don't know about you, but I am passionately in love with Serena's wardrobe. Heaps of people seem to love Blair's outfits though. They're cute and preppy and all, but it just doesn't beat Serena's look
3. The scandalous plot. They're a bunch of rich teenage socialites who live very difficult lives. And everyone sleeps with everyone. From best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend (both happen in Season 1
They've also got money $$$. And watching their frivolous spending, their extravagantly furnished homes and their expensive holidays in the Hamptons is fun. Because it's not everyday that you get to watch loaded people spending like there's no tomorrow.
4. The soundtrack: it features everything from the latest pop songs, to cool local bands you've never heard of. The music supervisor for Gossip Girl is the same person who did the sountracks for Grey's Anatomy and The O.C. I have discovered many many artists I love from watching Gossip Girl, including The Bravery and Aqualung.
5. Chuck Bass. Need I say more? Okay, I will because I'm madly in love with him. He's dashing, charming and very very disreputable. But what makes him even more cute is that underneath the whole playboy heartless front he puts up, he has a heart. *Squeals*
WATCH IT. You wont regret it. And if you have stopped at around the 6th episode because you don't think it's exciting enough, keep watching. It gets much more dramatic, trust me