Hi. Me again. I don't know about you but I am really excited about my formal that's coming up. Maybe you'll look back on this and laugh at your own silliness. But this is my first official formal function, other than weddings which don't really count. Maybe at your older age, you don't find these things as exciting. After all, you're probably rich and famous, and you get invited to soirees and garden parties every other day.
But really, this is my first chance to be with people my own age, who are all glammed up in pretty dresses or cute tuxes. It has to be perfect, right?
So I have made myself a list of what to bring/buy/do:
- Buy a dress. Or in my case, make. The reason why I decided to design my own dress, as opposed to buy one, is because the dresses I find at the shops are never perfect. They're either the wrong colour, the wrong size, or there is something about them that makes them a few points off perfect. Hence why I make my own dress- I choose the colour, it fits me perfectly, and it's exactly the way I want it. For those who aren't privileged enough to view my lovely dress (HAHA don't even try snivelling up to me now), here's a hint- it's one of my favouritest things in the world. A Grecian goddess gown. *swoons*
- Get shoes. Which I still have yet to do. Juicebox, Van, Jess and I have made this mutual pact to wear heels of height equal or greater than 10cm (4inches).
- Jewellery! I'm planning to make my necklace and earrings as well, so the beads will match my dress exactly. I'm thinking extravagant, layered and beaded. I get to, because my dress is strapless
. You can quote me: if you're wearing a strapless dress, you must wear a necklace. Otherwise the space between your shoulders will look wide, expansive and like a blank canvas. Which is not good.
- Make-up: At first, I wasn't planning on wearing any, but now that I've given it a good though, I think I will. Minimal though. Juicebox and I are thinking of leaving Work Experience early on the day, to go to the superMyer in the city (which probably has a whole floor dedicated to make-up), and just sneak some from the MAC counter.
- Hair: okay this one doesn't really apply to me, because it's too short to have anything done to it. Not to mention the fact that I plan on giving it a little snip again before the formal.
- My Emergency Teacup-To-The-Rescue Kit: because we're planning on meeting at a friend's house before the formal, hell will break loose and everyone is going to panic, then everyone will panick moreso because everyone else is. Therefore, my emergency kit. Including: double sided tape, thread (in both black and white!) and needle, hairspray, sanitary pads, tissues, lots and lots of bobby pins, clear nailpolish (this does wonders for stray bits of thread), and scissors. Oh, and pepper spray of course (in case someone makes an attempt to ruin my dress).