Breaking Free From Book Slavery

I have been studying for the past 78645435 hours, and I've had enough of the advantages and disadvantages of giving aid to Papua New Guinea for now, so here I am happily distracting myself.

So I know that probably no one will read this because you're all slaving away to the books too, but if you're reading this right now, I'll thank you by providing you this delightful piece of inspiration: The Definition of Real Style by the lovely Gala. I'm a faithful reader of her blog, and came across this a while ago but decided to save it for a special occasion.

Whether or not you care about your personal style or not, read it. I found it extremely inspirational
Style, when it comes to physical appearance, is about distilling your personality into tangible articles. People who have spent time discovering & fostering their own personal style are people who realise that life is an occasion, & that the way you present yourself to the world matters.
Yep, that pretty much explains my obsession for clothing, or why some girls spend hours and hours would look for the 'perfect dress' for the formal. It's not about impressing others, or to follow trends. It's simply to communicate who you are as a person, through what you're wearing.

And for those of you who blatantly refuse to show any interest in fashion or style:
I think a lot of women neglect their personal appearance for fear that they will be considered shallow, frivolous or vapid — they think that they will be judged by their clever friends. Yes, some people who care about fashion are shallow, frivolous & vapid — but so are some people who care about coffee. First impressions really do matter — you are evaluated & appraised in the first few seconds of meeting someone, whether you like it or not. In that short time they will decide whether they want to have anything to do with you or not, & this can greatly impact on your life.
So there you go. What you wear is a form of self expression- having a voice and an opinion. Those of you who are refusing to show interest in fashion or style- that's what you choose to convey. You will pick out clothes that will communicate that about you. It's the same, people who put effort into their personal style are picking out clothes to give the right first impression.

So whether you're a trend-whore, a person who formulates their outfits with a painstakingly thorough process, or you simply don't give a damn, read The Definition of Real Style and broaden your minds.

Now, while we're on the topic of personal style, I was just wondering- can you guys differentiate between my, and Juicebox's style of writing? She just asked me to write a post for her (she wouldn't normally do this but she is currently in a state of panic and isn't thinking straight), and I said that it would be impossible for me to copy her style of writing. So the question is: would you be able to tell if I pretended to be Juicebox, and she, me?

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