1. Sales: So I managed to get myself on a little bit of cash the other day, and went out to Livo for some retail therapy. In my typical style, I blew the majority of it off in the first hour and spent the next five hours wandering around, window shopping, losing Jenny N and contemplating contacting the Information Desk.
2. Stationery shopping: School is three weeks away, we’re not even half-way through our school holidays yet, and already school supplies are going on sale. I haven’t bought anything yet, but I’ve been itching to do so. I love buying new books and stationery, probably because they’re all so neat and tidy looking, though I know it’s only a matter of time before they start to be otherwise.
3. Ecofont: An eco-friendly font. Yes, there is such a thing. It supposedly uses up to 20% less ink when printing. How? There are tiny circles placed within the characters to reduce the total ink/toner laid upon the paper. See here.
4. Exclusive websites: You know, the ones that are invite only? I’m only part of two, Lookbook. and The Fashion Spot, but they’re enough to make me feel special.
5. Vegetarian Ravioli: My lunch yesterday. Many people think all vegetarians eat are vegetables, but there are a whole heap of vegetarian alternatives for basically any food out there.