Golden Moments

Because I’m feeling sentimental…

Our formal ♥ Crazy dancing ♥ Lying smack bang in the middle of the field cloud watching ♥ Commerce classes where we did jack shit and instead went high at the mention of the formal and chained people to their seats ♥ Trying to act/talk as lady-like as possible ♥ Calling Sophie up at 6 in the morning, fulling intending to study for whatever exam we had that day, and then falling asleep on each other whilst still on the phone ♥ Surprises ♥ Love interests ♥ Raiding other people’s wardrobes ♥ Their fridges, too ♥ Going high on air ♥ Buying $70 worth of food and simply pigging out in front of the TV ♥ Jenny N and her lack of sense of direction ♥ Chewing moments during lunchtime where it is completely silent because everyone is too engrossed in their food to say anything ♥ Train rides with Jenny G ♥ Birthdays ♥ Our dysfunctional locker along with our equally dodgy lock ♥ Stealing other people’s locker locks ♥ Late night MSN conversations with certain people ♥ Scavenging clothes at work experience with Teacup ♥ Kodak moments ♥ The first days of school- the only time school is ever exciting ♥ The Booke ♥ The contract that never happened ♥ Study session attempts- both successful and not so successful ones… ♥ Outings- again, both successful and failed attempts ♥ Talking in ridiculous code to confuse the shit out of others ♥ The special people. You know who you are. One or two of you may not, but that hasn’t stopped you from making me smile ♥

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random