Oxford Heels: They're so prim, yet provocative and chic. I would buy a pair in an instant if only our school allowed stilettos. We don't even get to wear Mary Janes. Nope, it's just dull leather laced shoes with little or no heel, and nothing anywhere near a stiletto heel. Not even kitten heels would be permitted.
Klukeart.com: Terribly cute website with terribly cute graphics and goodies for downloading. My desktop is currently decked out in klukeart goodies:
Cute, non? The cake icons are my fave.
Look books / inspiration walls: I ran across a thread on personal look books on tFS the other day (click here!), and was greatly inspired to start my own lookbook. Unfortunately, my printer is currently kaput, and I refuse to cut into any of my magazines, so I haven't been able to start. However, I think it's a great idea for those days where you have absolutely no idea what to wear, or can't seem to coordinate an outfit together.
Smiling: It is underrated. Everyone should smile more often. Because I work in an environment where I am paid to plaster a smile on my face all the time, I've learnt that if you flash someone a smile, they will feel obliged to smile back at you, then everyone is happy. It's a win-win situation. Even on those days where I come to work completely PMSed and it almost kills me to put on a smile, after a few hours of smiling not stop, it eventually wears me out and I can't help but to feel happy.
Being A Pisces: I am proud to be a Pisces. I only half-heartedly believe in this fancy schmancy stuff, but I can't help but feel hopeful after reading my yearly horoscope from Rushh. According to Rushh, I will find love in January, grow mentally strong in March, good things will come effortlessly, and I will be a very rich girl by the end of the year. It puts me in an optimistic mood, even if it is only false hope. But really, I have faith in my horoscope this year. The three words they used to describe me really won me over: 'Creative, Intuitive, & Temperamental'. Yipee for 2009.