Dressing for School Camp

Dressing for camp, or for outdoors in general, is difficult. You have to take into account: the mud, the rain, possibly losing items, having to climb, run, jump and swing. Indeed, dressing for camp, and dressing well, don't come hand in hand.

And it's not like you can find inspiration for wonderful outdoors-worthy outfits easily. The girls on Gossip Girl don't have to run through a forest in pitch black, while avoiding teachers. No, they attend masquerade balls and go shopping. The women on jakandjil.com don't have to climb up cactus poles or swing from a piece of rope over a forest of tall native plants; they edit magazines, get photographed and attend shows.

But once again, earmuffed.com can help you! I have mentally compiled a list of requirements for camp outfits:
  • bring minimal items of clothing: so you dont have to lug around a horrendously large suitcase
  • no skirts: unless you're willing to flash your undies to at least thirty people who are on stable ground, while you are dangling in the air from a piece of rope
  • no fancy shoes: strictly flat-soled, well closed, strong shoes only
  • casual outfits: you don't want to appear overdressed for camp. So that cashmere cardigan might not be the best idea
  • minimal accessories: I won't rule out accessories completely, in case your neck looks like a blank canvas or something
  • warm clothing: it will be in the middle of winter. You don't want to freeze
  • minimal layers: to minimise the number of items you bring (point 1), and so your many layers of cardigan do not get tangled while you're climbing up something
  • wear something summery underneath, and somethiing wintery ontop: so you can throw on the wintery thing if its cold, or just wear the summery thing if its warm
  • do not come underdressed: this is especially important. Think of camp as a tiny window that will open for three consecutive days. The window allows people to view you as a someone with a personality, as opposed to a just another student in school uniform. Make the most of it, and represent yourself properly.
I have created five different outfits to help inspire possible outfits for camp:

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I really should stop procrastinating now. I have exams to study for! Every morning, I wake up in cold sweat after a horrific dream about the Maths exam, or some other exam-related nightmare. I think its a sign that I should start studying. Like. Right now.

P.S. For those of you under the impression that in my last post, my clothes arsenal meant my camp suitcase, and that I bought the clothes merely for camp, you are wrong! I realise as I reread my post that I may have implied this, but I assure you I am not a shopaholic who spends $500 for camp. Clothes arsenal = my wardrobe, and the clothes were for winter- not camp. Camp was just an excuse to make myself feel better about spending so much in one go. I hope that settles everything.

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random