I know I said that I was going to do something “remotely” study-related everyday, but hey, I bet no one believed me. And I guess you all had every right to because frankly, I didn’t.
I did spend some time telling myself that Dude, This Is Your Preliminary Half Yearlies. That’s Right, pre-lim-in-ary. Start Studying Before It’s Too Late. I’d like to think that I actually go sick of my own self-nagging and started studying after a while, but Twitter knows that I only started making notes last night- pretty well into the night too, actually. I know, I suck.
So anyway. What have I been doing besides talking to myself like a lunatic?
On Tuesday, as you should know from Theresa’s post below, we hit the shops! I am incredibly happy with my purchases, especially since I am so broke at the moment. (Not that I’m ever not broke, I am still broke now and I was well, a little less broke than I am now, four days ago I guess.) Purchases:
That is right, those shorts were $2. And I'll admit I only bought them because they costed less than my lunch. I plan to wear them to run. I know I've been telling everyone that I plan to start running for two years or so and I still have yet to start, but I'm treating this as motivation. I have something to run in now! Running is so convenient now! That's right, that is how I roll.
Wednesday, a friend and I went to The University of Sydney for their ‘Degree in a Day’ program. I have found my dream uni. That place is so damn pretty, and everything there seems so... relaxing. Never mind the fact that this is the first uni I've ever been to, never mind that I haven't even given myself a chance to see other unis, I am going to Usyd.
We took the pharmacy course and made a cream. There is something extremely satisfying in watching a solution thicken into a creamy well, cream.
I'll admit, I don't have any clue what the purpose of an aqueous cream is, so I've been passing it off as magical anti-aging cream.
Alongside the two whole pizzas and six 600ml bottles of water the two of us managed to consume (gotta make the most of free food), we received:
I've been telling people of my "stress pill" lately (you know, stress ball, stress pill), and now they're all under the perspective that I have stress-management issues (can't blame them, I guess) and need to take medication to relieve myself or something. But I assure you readers, my stress pill is all I need. I will not be shooting anyone just yet.