I Brightened Somebody's Day

You all remember when we got Sophie a cat two weeks ago right? And we named it Shroom, snuck into her house while she was studying, hid under a table, and waited for her to come down and discover it? Yeah, well it seems like crazy, extravagant birthday surprises are a trend amongst my friends now.

This time, it was Jenny Nguyen's birthday, and we decided to surprise her by filming her ex-boss wishing her a flirtacious happy birthday. (Note: he is 33 years old, and fobby. Oh, and she used to have a slight crush on him.)

Add: another half the grade wishing her happy birthday, days of stress, laggy video-editting programs, a portable DVD player at school with a dodgy remote control, minus a lot of sleep and a lot of time, multiplied with a lot of panic = a sort-of-failed surprise that she loved.

At least, she said she loved it. But she's a terrible liar, so I'm pretty sure she did love it. Anyways, photos:

And for those of you who did not get the chance to watch the video playing live today:

(Note: please disregard my apparent seriousness and lack of enthusiasm in this video; it was precisely 5:42am and my 12th attempt to record myself saying something coherent and somewhat logical. I should be praised for managing to stay vertical in those circumstances.)

P.S. I shut down my old Tumblr a few months ago (for those of you who have not noticed), then started missing it like crazy, so started a new one: sansparole.tumblr.com


P.P.P.S. This is a random Easter bunny I saw on the street today. It waved at me and made me laugh. So I decided to take a picture of it and share it with you guys:

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random