SURPRISE! The first ♥ Du Jour in months! Sorry, this won't be a regular thing though. I just thought I'd do one every so often (not weekly though), whenever I feel writer's (blogger's?) block rising up. Okay here goes!
1. Lula Magazine: It's like a picture book filled with whimsical photos and illustrations. It's like a circus, a fair and a fairytale all mushed into a magazine. I LOVE IT, the photo editorials are so dream-like and ethereal, the type and design of the pages are wonderful, the whole magazine looks really clean and simple, and the clothes are amazing.

2. All white interiors: I feel the need to redecorate my room again. My room just feels so cluttered and warm at the moment, and I just want to get rid of everything and have SPAAAAACE and LIIIIIIIGHT. I'm thinking all white. It can't be that hard, everything is already white except for one wall, which I could just paint over. Inspirational pictures:
3. Chitchats in cafes on cold winter days: It's occuring more often nowadays, where I find myself drifting towards coffee shops when I'm out with friends. We would order something warm, sit around a table, and talk about anything and everything. Just a few weeks ago, a couple of friends and I sat at Starbucks in Circular Quay for close to two hours, just talking about lovermen and childhoods. It was lovely.
4. Chanel two-toned stockings: I have no idea why I'm so obssessed with them at the moment, but I think they'd be exhilarating to wear. They'd make any pair of legs look endlessly long, and theres the whole surprise element when you walk past a person who at first thought you had cream coloured stockings on, then they realise that your stockings are black at the back. I WANT A PAIR SO BAD, but they're $230 a pair. Sigh.

5. Amazing finds on ebay: I know I'm spending waaaaay too much time and money on ebay, but I love finding a pair of wonderful shoes or a really nice ring on ebay, for dirt cheap prices. Its a really nice progression of emotions: first you see the godly shoes/ring/whatever you're looking for. Your heart skips a beat, your breath is taken away by the beauty of it. You glance over at the price nervously, thinking it has to cost heaaaps. You realise that it is ridiculously cheap, your pulse quickens, you start sweating with excitement. You click the item, a little bit of doubt crosses your mind; what if it's the wrong size? What if the seller is a psycho? What if the item once belonged to a dead person? After you are reassured that yes, it's your size! And the seller is completely sane! And the item is brand new! Your stomach whoops and you sigh with relief and then you place your bid and win the item and wait excitedly, checking your post everyday until the item arrives. It's a wonderful process.'s 1 year anniversary is nearing, and I want a change. I don't know what yet. I'm happy with the layout at current, but everything is starting to feel repetitive. Perhaps Jenny and I will reinstall the comments? I was also thinking of starting outfit posts, but Jenny is insistently lazy and refuses to participate, so that idea is dead (unless you guys can convince her to stop being such a party pooper *nudge nudge hint hint*).