
I just got home from a party, it’s a lot closer to midnight than I’d like it to be, and the last place I really should be is sitting here blogging.

I had this whole homework plan set out for today. I was going to finish everything today so I can enjoy my Sundays for once. My weekends in a nutshell: Saturdays: put off doing homework, and Sundays: doing homework last minute. I even made this checklist in my diary so I could tick everything off once they were complete.

But they’re still sitting there, unticked. I went to a party, and despite the fact that all we did was sit on granny chairs, immerse ourselves in the trivial details of our own lives, and scream at a phone ringing whilst watching ‘Jaws 2’, I.Am.So.Glad.I.Went.

I need to do this kind of stuff more often- you know, actually have some fun. I think sometimes I tell myself that I can’t do this, can’t do that because homework, school and whatnot is calling. But all I ever do is procrastinate the time away anyway.

I’m still deciding whether I should go to hell with it and go shopping tomorrow, but if I do, I better get some sleep. Goodnight. (Actually, it’s 11:59PM right now and I doubt anyone will be reading this within the next minute. So I guess good morning.)

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