The Story of My Reading Mojo
For those of you who are ~in the know~, you would've heard that Jenny is leaving TEMPORARILY, of course. She'll be back in time for our travels in Europe in two years time, then we can blog about all our adventures in foreign cities with strange foreign men.
But until she comes back, I guess you'll be stuck with moi.
I'm not sure what I should write about today. I want to write about many things. I want to write about my shoes. I want to write about stay up stockings. I want to write about trying to learn French.
But lets talk about how I managed to get my reading mojo back.
I remember in back in primary school, when I used to be the biggest bookworm ever. Of course, we never had homework or assignments or exams back then. So every day, I'd have a whole afternoon ahead of me, to read whatever struck my fancy (because back then, they didn't make you read fat boring books, like they do now). I recall waking up in the middle of most nights and turning the bedlamp on so I could finish reading that suspenseful bit that was never resolved before I fell asleep. Or racing through huge Harry Potter books with my dad, and trying to find out what happens before he got the chance to spoil it for me.
Now, there are three things that I have a lot of. Like, not just a lot, but a lot, as in a large unhealthy amount. (I know I'm sidetracking here, but I promise you its relevant). Yes, I have a lot of shoes, underwear, and books. (AHA! YOU SEE! It is relevant after all, I wasn't being silly).
So I was cleaning up my bookshelf the other day, and I came to realise that I don't really read anymore. It was a sad realisation. Not one of those happy realisations like when you realise you're in love or when you realise you didn't lose your mobile phone because it's actually in your pocket. No, it was a depressing realisation.
That was when I decided that I HAD TO FIND MY READING MOJO AGAIN. So I compiled up a giant list of books I have intended to read but never got around to reading. And as soon as I finish racing through that fat book the English department assigned us, I can go back to reading enjoyable books again!
Because I had to race through that fat book, I ended up reading like three hours a day, and then the last chapter of the fat book arrived surprisingly quickly, and that was how I got my reading mojo back.
Anyway, I was planning on including a list of books that I had intended to read + mini summaries, but this post has somehow managed to stretch into some epic but pointless story. So I digress.
Sorry, now that Jenny has abandoned me, I'm an empty blabbering soul without much to say. Excuse me while I regenerate a huge list of ideas for things to blog about.
P.S. Van & I recently embarked upon another project. We call it The CAPSOM Project. For now, what CAPSOM stands for remains a secret, but I'll give you a clue. 'C' stands for Charitable. And 'M' stands for Males. If you'd like to participate, do tell one of us.