I AM SO EXHAUSTED. Three days in a row of crazy things-doing and now I finally get a break. TIME TO CATCH UP ON ALL THE BLOGGING. So anyway, a few days ago (I've lost track of time now), I hosted a Christmas party. I've never had such a large group of people from school at my own house before. It was intimidating. But we did loads of fun useless crap including:
- drinking everything from wine glasses (this not only includes fizzy drinks, or fruit cocktails, but soup. Yes. Chinese chicken and corn SOUP.)
- all getting bloated before the main meal even hit the table
- table talk, including 'if you were to be on an island, who would you choose to be with, considering that you will eventually eat him or her'. This lead to a very intense discussion about eating human muscle vs eating human fat- which would taste nicer, and which would keep you alive for longer. LOL.
- taking thirty minutes to carve the turkey. Which turned out to be uncooked.
- the old game of 'Truth or Dare'
- feeding my dog all sorts of things
- pretending to be mermaids
- straddling lions
- near death experiences involving a pinata, a blindfolded person and a very long broomstick
- spontaneously carolling a certain neighbour and giving them all the leftover turkey in take-away boxes
"We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love EACH OTHER!"
After numerous 'how to' videos, we finally managed to carve the turkey- only to realise it wasn't really cooked.
Jess and Van pretending to be mermaids.
Yay name tag thingies.
LOL @ Van screaming and Laura pushing her seat further and further away in the background.
I still have a load of work (both school and money-earning) to do, outfit posts to blog, and a zillion stories to tell. Don't worry I'll spread the posts out nice and evenly so there won't suddenly be a blog-drought when I realise I should stop going out and start doing work BECAUSE THERES LIKE A MONTH LEFT TIL SCHOOL STARTS, and I have way more than a month's worth of work.