I kicked off the holiday by watching "Funny Face". I think its officially my NEW FAVOURITE FILM. It's basically Audrey Hepburn + Paris + 1950's fashion + haute couture + people randomly bursting into song and dance. The film was MADE FOR ME.
I also went to watch 'Avatar' yesterday. I understand the hype now, the film was visually amaaaaaazing. The colours were beautiful and all the computer generated scenery was breathtaking. Aesthetically, it was PERFECT. Perhaps that's why the plot suffered. It was really draggy, and watching the film was like driving down a nauseously bumpy road. Both in the sense that the 3D effects were dizzying, as well as the plot- there'd be a climax, then it'd resolve, and you think YAY HAPPY ENDING TIME, but NO! There's another problem, it resolves, and you think OKAY, HAPPY ENDING TIME IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. BUT NO!! Multiply by 10. Despite the never ending list of complications, the storyline was still really cheesy and unsurprising- the plot twists again and again and again and again until it's exactly what you expected- but by then, you're pretty much sick of it.
Or maybe it's just me. That's why I like Audrey Hepburn, or other old Hollywood films. Everything was simpler back then. The ending is reached with only a few bumps, then everyone lives happily ever after. It's predictable, but in a pleasant kind of way.
Anyway, what I wore:

Headband: Diva
Necklace: Portmans
Top: whoops I ripped off the tag and threw it away
Bubble shorts: Forever21
Ring: ebay
Flats: Kmart
And more silly pictures with the new camera + my sister + me that don't require much explanation: