5 days of Internet deprivation has brought on an Internet-related procrastination frenzy. My fingers are all clicked out now. Bring on another few hours and my index finger will probably start twitching involuntarily. In the meantime, I found heaps of things to blog about. But of course, I can't blog about them all at once otherwise you'll all go capped, and I'll have nothing left to blog about when school starts. So here's ONE editorial you can look at for now.
There's Natalia Vodianova (YIPEEEE) and P. Diddy (okay no yippeee here, but he's tolerable. If it was Kanye West, I so would've refrained from posting this editorial. Not just because of the Taylor Swift thing either- I find her almost as intolerable as Kanye himself, she's so whiney and all her songs sound the same, not to mention my sister adores her.) Oh, and it's shot by ANNIE LEIBOVITZ. SUPER YIPEEE. OH AND THERE'S MORE, it's wonderfully romantically sad and there's lots of smoke and yummy clothes. Okay I'm going to stop now, my words are dangerously nearing the length of all the pictures put together.
[Image Source]
I love those last two pictures, and nost just because of the smoke either. They look like they were screenshotted out of some fifties film. But on a side note, I should somehow get a smoke machine at my Year 12 formal, right? I suggested a bubble machine before but someone said that it'd make people sticky. SO WOO LETS GET A SMOKE MACHINE, WHO'S WITH ME?
Oh, and speaking of films from the fifties, have I mentioned that it's almost the end of January, which means February is about to begin, which means Autumn is coming, WHICH MEANS IT'S ALMOST COAT-SEASON?? I'm not going to lie, I totally did stop blogging just then to go on Ebay, to look up trench coats. I have heaps of trench coats, but I have no beige-classic-detective-big-black-buttoned trench coats. I NEED ONE. IF I DON'T GET ONE, I WILL FREEZE TO DEATH THIS WINTER, THEN WHO WILL BLOG FOR YOU GUYS HMMM? I'll start accepting donations now. I'm entirely serious.