Now I'm a Burnt Cookie

As soon as I reached home, I scrubbed myself down five times and haven't felt cleaner in days. I've had five days of sunscreen, salt, chlorine, dead skin, and probably children's piss building up on my skin. Not that I didn't shower when on holidays, it's just that I couldn't fit a loofah in my 15kg luggage limit.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves now, let me continue where I last left off...

Why yes I was talking literally. My cousin captured yours truly BLOGGING HER HEART AWAY by the pool in the middle of the night. If you squint hard enough, you might see the crazy thrashing psycho in the background.

Oh, and here's a picture I somehow managed to miss out on last time:

I love my camera's super fast shutter speed.

Something I may have not mentioned in the last post- SHOPPING. I may have mentioned it now that I think of it. I'm not thinking straight, DID I TELL YOU ABOUT HAVING TO SLEEP ON THE SAME BED WITH MY SISTER? Now that I think of it, I may have mentioned that too. But the point is- I've had very little sleep, and too much sand and chlorine in my ears, so excuse me if it takes a few weeks to regain oriented thinking.

Anyway, I was talking about shopping. HOLY SKRZYNECKI THE SHOPS AT SURFER'S PARADISE ARE AMAZING. All the shops are huge and theres so much stock and everything is like 80% off literally. No seriously. I blew an unanticipated huge amount of cash on clothes and fluffy sleeping robes and lingerie.

Here is a visual example of what I'm talking about. LOOK AT THOSE PRICES. That was the entire store. AMAZING RIGHT. Next year when I go up to the Gold Coast again, I'm going to come armed with a couple of thousand dollars and oh boy will the economy at Surfer's Paradise soar.

Though some of the shops at Surfer's are questionable. Case in point- Condom Kingdom. No seriously, I didn't photoshop that picture. On the store window, there's a giant cartoon of a yellow condom wearing a cowboy hat with a face and arms and legs and all. And I would've taken a picture of the store's contents but I didn't want my readers to think I had actually stepped inside the store, so I refrained.

Oh and guess who I passed on the street? Why yes, it's Frankenstein's monster. My sister and I became well acquainted with him, though I'm still confused as to why he has a skeletal hand on a leash. They sure didn't have that in the book, unless I fell asleep when the magical moving skeletal hand made its appearance.

And on the plane back today, there were actually CLOUDS. Cute little dainty ones too, like the ones you see in cartoons. So I CAPTURED THEM. OH YES I DID. LOOK:

Oh, and I also love the shape of the coast. It looks like someone took a massive bite out of the east coast.

Aaah and before I leave, I have to show you my new best friend- Pet Rock. Well actually he's my sister's best friend. But after my sister almost drowned him, then lost his fine mane of pink fuzz, and THEN misplaced his right googly eye, he fleed from her. Actually he couldn't flee because technically he doesn't have legs. Okay I'm getting carried away, let's get back to the story. Pet Rock and I had many adventures. Here are my favourite ones:

Pet Rock, frolicking amongst the sand and shells.

Pet Rock's newly found headpiece.

Pet Rock embracing his religion. Note: his now bald head. Also note: his new very appropriate headpiece.

Pet Rock drying off after almost drowning.

You can probably tell that I'm in a really silly mood right now. It's probably a mixture of lack of sleep, too many oreos, and the fact that I just skipped tutor. I HOPE THIS DOESN'T MAKE ME A BAD GIRL. Anyway woah I just looked down at my arm and was once again surprised at how brown I was. I'm not a half-baked cookie anymore. I think I can officially pass as a fully-baked cookie now. Or maybe an even slightly burnt one. OH HO you should see my ridiculous tan lines. I really should take tan-line shape into consideration before purchasing swimsuits next time.

ANYWAY, I still have 70 emails to read and around 500 blog posts to read. HURRAH I'M HOME.

Actually I take that back. Home sucks. The weather sucks. School is coming. That sucks too.

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random