HEY GUYS LOOK I found the internet!!! Even though it came with many many restrictions (no more than 1mb of pictures! Don't touch facebook!). The laptop battery is about to run out, I'm sitting by a pool and I think this guy is having an epileptic fit in the pool. I mean, he's thrashing and splashing a LOT of water everywhere, and I'm scared that any second now, he'll move a little too close and I'd get electrocuted by my laptop. Oh, and have I mentioned that its 9pm here? Yeah, theres some guy thrashing around the pool at this time. Crazy.
Anyway, okay here's a summary of my past three days:
My family decided to crazily arrive at the airport two hours early. My cousins and I lost ourselves in a bunch of overpriced airport stores, found a humongous Popular Penguin shelf and went crazy stroking the spines of those dear matching orange covers. Yum. THEN, we realised we were late and crazily ran (in high heels no less!) to our airport gate. We were kind of hoping the airport ladies would call out our name over the loudspeakers, though unfortunately (or maybe fortunately depending on how you look at it) we made it without much delay.
Then we basically did what normal tourists do when they visit Gold Coast- swimming in pools, exfoliating by the beach, shopping and visiting the WORLDS. Unfortunately, all my memories have fuzzed up. Here are the highlights:
- Being mistaken for a non-english speaking tourist. Actually that's not really a highlight. It's actually very insulting. E.G. Two guys approached my cousin Rosa, held their hands out for her very expensive Canon DSLR camera, and said (in mock-Asian accents)- "Me. Camera? Photo? PHOOOOTOOO? PHOTO!"
- Getting unfortunate tanlines as a result of monokinis and one-shouldered swim suits
- Literally shopping til we drop. All the stores stock a huge variety of stuff at ridiculously cheap prices. It's crazy, don't they know anything about taking advantage of tourists?!
- Going on ALL THE RIDES at Wet 'N' Wild World today and burning my feet. Seriously, the ground was like 100 degrees. CELCIUS. It was like exposed to the sun THE WHOLE DAY and they expected us to walk on it barefoot!!! There weren't even sprinklers or anything to cool the path down. We basically just ran from shadow to shadow, shrieking 'HOT HOT HOT OW MY FOOT!' between each shadow.
- Countless barbeques at the hotel barbeque with a huge variety of crazy meats (my family is crazy, no wonder I'm a vegetarian). Last night we had deer. Tonight was cow tongue. (Side story: just then my cousin was watching me type and she was like 'HM WHAT AN AWKWARD QUESTION IT MUST BE TO ASK' and I go 'what question', so she's like 'DO YOU LIKE TONGUE?' *seedy expression* *licks lips*)
AND, more memorable stuff caught on camera:
Crazy luvo-fest with my sister on the plane
Most amazing view of the coast from the plane
Eeee my hotel looks like the leaning tower of Pisa except its perfectly vertical
Moi, Maria & Rosa
Night view from my window
TEEHEE moon-bathing by the pool
Pretty outfit pictures from the pool at night
What I wore: White knitted dress- Fahrenheit (from some cheapy shop), Singlet from Supre, belt from Ally, necklaces from Portmans and Lumiere.
LOL Had to show you guys this! My cousin Kevin, all blown up in the spa
OOH ALSO HAD TO SHOW YOU THIS- Me riding a whale. YES A WHALE. Even though it's blown up, thats still pretty impressive
Biggest scoop of icecream I've ever consumed
And the biggest lizard I've ever seen.
We have heaps planned for the next two days. TOMORROW, my cousin is driving us around to find all the second hand stores, as well as visiting GALLERIA!! Then we might go Movie World or Sea World, and I'll probably go swimming and become as wrinkly as a testicle sacks (is it possible, if you immerse yourself long enough in water, to be permanently wrinkly? THat's what I'm afraid of. I think it's happening. I swear my skin is wrinklier now than it was my entire life).
But yes, I'm just dropping by very quickly (there are many naggy annoying cousins waiting to use the internet next) to let you guys know I'M ALRIGHT. I haven't drowned or dehydrated from drinking too much salt water or been gang bashed by a group of bogans. Though I am the colour of a half-cooked cookie and my face has turned the shade of my Apple Of My Eye red nailpolish, and my feet are practically burnt and I don't ever get a full night's sleep because I have to share a bed with my sister, and OH HO DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT.
OH P.S. Sorry for all the dodgy grammar spelling mistakes, I had to type this fast. And I also forgot a lot of photos, I'll upload them when I'm home. And also the quality of the pictures are terrible, sorry.