Forcast black bandage bodycon dress $30
Bebe Sydney knitted black cocoon cardigan $IDK I got it for free
Self made frilly daisy scarf
Lace up ankle boots $35 from ebay.com
Right so I did absolutely nothing this holiday. There's one day left, maybe I can squeeze everything in. What I wish I did: finish my D&T dress, finish History Extension research, bake macaroons, learn to drive, took more photos, sewed more clothes, do my happy webcam project.
Maybe I'll bake the macaroons and do my happy webcam project tomorrow.
I'm feeling super motivated to drive all of a sudden. I plan to learn enough to be able to drive the whole crew to school in the morning. And by crew, I mean my sister, my friend Jenny N and her little brother. That's really a very frightening thought though, our risk of death would be increased by like 50%. And I hear Jenny is planning to drive us home once she learns, which would... put my risk of death at close to 100%. If I suddenly disappear from the blogosphere, I hope you'll understand.
My brain is mush at the moment. You've probably noticed, since I've made absolutely no effort to link my paragraphs together. Just imagine these paragraph are dot points. I love dot points. Anyway back to my brain being mush, I feel super duper bi-polar at the moment. Half the time I want to go out dressed as a pink cream puff, and the other half, as catwoman. Or something very feline that involves a lot of leather. I'm still looking for the perfect pair of leather pants, anyone got suggestions? Oh you know what I HATE?? When I type 'leather pants' into ebay AND LEATHER TIGHTS COME UP. GOD WHY DONT PEOPLE UNDERSTAND, TIGHTS ARE NOT PANTS. That's like calling underpants shorts, or bras bustiers or socks shoes!!!
EURGH I FEEL ANGRY. I know what will calm everyone down. BUTTER SCULPTURES. I wasted five hours on that website, but I'll admit it wasn't entirely unfruitful. I learnt that boys really do only look at boobs, and google planted a 'Wally' for google earth, and there is such a thing as a mattress tester.
EDIT: Yaknow what I just realised? Guys look at boobs but what do girls look at?! There's no one thing is there? If you really think about it... well with my friends, I know Van and Wendy like eyebrows, Jenny N likes feminine features, and I like jaws and stubble. God, men lack imagination.