What I basically need RIGHT NOW: chunky shoes, gold and navy, bodycon dresses, LACE LACE LACE, thigh high boots, sparkly things, more pretty underwear, and a cat mask. Because everyone needs a cat mask.
I am really exhausted, and I really have no reason to be. Today at the athletics carnival, I did... nothing, literally. I mean, even when everyone was doing the compulsory sprint, I snuck away and pretended to be a prefect. Actually I did do a little bit of physical labour, for the five seconds it took to illegally run across a field and cut the cross country course short by about a kilometre. That was pretty tiring now that I think of it.
I'm saving up for thigh high boots at the moment, I think I'll be able to get them this weekend. Perfect timing actually, since I'm getting a load of mid-yearly marks back tomorrow. So if I do good, the boots will be like a reward. And if I suck, then it'll be like retail therapy. Yay.