Fo' Shizzle My Nizzle

As you can see, I'm out of ideas for blog titles, so please bear with my random blog title for now. I promise this is only temporary. nodnod

I may or may not have mentioned that I planned to make a vlog. I have a vague memory of saying so, publicly somewhere, but that could just be my imagination. Anyways, I spent most of last night filming a vlog with my cousin Rosa, a fellow blogger. It took us about 3 hours as we were rudely interrupted by our other cousins on numerous occasions.

And the vlog is very random and disorganised as well, since we had to restart over and over again, then just gave up and decided to go wit da flo. But that didn't work out either, so now the vlog is going to have to undergo intensive editting on the very crappy Windows Movie Maker.

Yes doctor, I think we'll have to perform some plastic surgery here, then we'll undergo some procedure to stick those two parts together, oh, you can completely throw that bit away, its of no use. Zap that together, stick that there, and VOILA !

Yes darlings, it's a complicated process and will probably take me a while, but I shan't procrastinate for too long. I promise that the vlog will be up next Saturday =D

For those of you who are impatient, here's a sneak peek:

Yea yea, we were both a bit crazy and high after large dosages of caffeine, but don't let that scare you off.

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random