Ok, so the let’s-crash-Sophie’s-house plan three days ago didn’t entirely work out. Jenny Nguyen’s mum suddenly decided not to let her “play” with us, and Sophie decided to take back her offer of having us over because apparently, she had visitors over that day and simply wasn’t up for messing her house up anymore.
So we decided to pay her a visit the day after (which would have been… two days ago. Yeh, I'm a little slow), when she would have already sobered up, and her house would be nice and tidy again, so we could make another mess. Except this time, Jenny G was off to China already, and Theresa & Vincent’s parents wouldn’t let them out.
Jenny Nguyen was allowed again though (confusing much?), and so Sophie forced us to wake up at 9 in the morning (I usually don't get up until around 11 in the holidays. I am such a lazy bum.) and we caught the 9:29 train to Bankstown which Jenny, as expected, would have missed if I hadn’t bought her a ticket.
Highlights of the day:
- We all watched Hancock without any knowledge on what the movie was actually going to be about. Seriously, the only thing I’ve ever seen/heard about it was the promotion poster with Will Smith in sunnies. The movie was a lot better than I had anticipated I guess, and is it wrong that I got teary numerous times throughout?
- We opted to walk back to Sophie’s house. Yes, up a very steep hill back to Sophie’s house. That damn hill was had like a 45 degrees slope. I felt like I was going to slip down any minute. One thing I learnt from that is, if you ever happen to be walking up a hill, and you also happen to be carrying food, never allow Jenny Nguyen to carry the drinks. (That would be drinks from Maccas. You know? The ones that could very easily spill.) She will run with them, leave them on the ground when she’s having one of her scratching sessions (she does this very frequently. She blames the “morning chill” makes her skin itch) or insist on drinking from them every few minutes.
- Sophie’s house has changed a lot since I the last time I’ve been there. She has fake walls! No, seriously. She has inserted walls into house to make for more rooms. She insists they’ve always been there, but I remember very clearly that there were definitely no walls there a year ago.
- One thing that hasn’t changed though is that it is still big, cold and empty. Seriously, there is no food in her house. Nothing. She tells me she never eats at home.
- Who knew Sophie used to Mongolian dance? I opened her wardrobe to find this green traditional dress, complete with a hat, dripping in shiny jewels. She told me she learnt Mongolian dancing for about five weeks last year, but she refused to dance for me!
- It was so cold (did you know it was the coldest day in four years? ^^) that we decided to all squish onto Sophie’s tiny single bed. It involved a lot of kicking and blanket pulling, but it kept us warm, and Sophie’s beanbag is so comfortable.
- I suck at DDR. No, we all suck. We split the mat into three, played with three people, and we still sucked.
No pictures, but I wish I had bought my camera. There were so many moments where taking a picture would have been so appropriate.
Someone remind me I still have a tonne of work to do~
EDIT: Hello hello there, Theresa heere. Just sneaking in and adding some updates before Jenny posts this.
And for those of you who still haven't noticed, this place has undergone a major makeover, and we now have a new layout! Yupps, that's what I was working on while Jenny was over at Sophie's partying hard. I swear, I seriously hate Firefox-IE clashes. Like, when something works in one, and doesn't work in the other. I pisses me off bad, trying to figure out how I can possibly fix it, and frustrates me to tears.
But it's all done now, yipppeee~! Does pelvic thrust at whoever invented Internet Explorer.