Yeh, so we both got a little bored with our unproductive holidays, and decided to liven this place up a bit by starting a joint blogging project! For the next 5 days, both of us will be blogging on what we would do if a certain impossible event were to happen (hence the name Project Impossible).
So the schedule goes as so:
What would you do if you:
Monday: won the lotto (jackpot of $30 million)
Tuesday: could have any super power
Wednesday: found a magic lamp, rubbed it, and a genie flew out who wants to grant you 3 wishes (and no, you cannot wish for a million more wishes)
Thursday: had five days to live
Friday: could change any physical thing about yourself
It's going to be a challenge thinking up answers for these things (seriously, I've never thought through any of these things before), but it'll also be heaps of fun, so stay tuned!
P.S. Today, EARMUFFED.COM is officially one month old- extra reason to celebrate, non?