Project Impossible: Lottery

Day 1 of Project Impossible- as a reminder for those of you who have forgotten, today's question is:
What would you do if you won the lotto (jackpot of $30 million)

Jenny's response:

I would do what a typical girl would do: shop. I’d tell everyone and take them out and shout them all a shopping spree!

I'd get a whole new wardrobe! And a big house! And everything else I've ever dreamt of.

I'd also drop out of school, because who needs school when they already have all the money they'll ever need?

I’d also spend it on something like, Westfield’s! Something that will provide me with even more money. Yeh, I’d own some big successful company and be big and successful myself.

I'd hire people to work for me. See? No schooling needed.

I’d make sure I spend it all as soon as possible. Because who knows what could happen to it the next day. Money can change people, and some people may come after me, so I’ll make sure it’s all gone to something worthy before anyone can plot evil things against me.

Theresa's response:

If I won 30 million, first thing I would do is run down the street shrieking ‘I’M A RICH BITCH NOW. YOU HEAR THAT? GOODBYE NEIGHBOURHOOD!’ I will call up the lottery company and have them give me the money in $100 notes, delivered in a big truck. Because I want them to fulfil their whole ‘you can win a whole truck load of cash!’ slogan. When the truck arrives, I’ll grab all the notes and throw them in the air, giggling like a mad woman.

Once I calm down a bit, I would deposit all the money into a bank account (compound interest please!) except for about $20 000, which I would use to buy myself a new wardrobe. And maybe actually get around to redecorating my room. And if there’s money to spare, I’d buy an apple green Sony Vaio laptop (they’re beeeaaautiful, I’ve always wanted a green one.)

Then I’ll finish school, live in the UK in a chic apartment whilst attending Saint Martins College of Art and Design (I’m sure a generous donation of money would secure me a place). I’ll graduate with a degree in fashion design, move to France and start my own massive fashion label (I’m sure I’ll still have heaps of money to spare).

Once I reach 50, I’ll retire in some nice country beach town where I’ll build my massive dream mansion (yes, the one with 10 bedrooms and lots of indoor plants and fountains. Oh, and the salt water pool with a running fountain.)

What would YOU do?

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Adapted from layout by Quite Random