Hi it's Theresa here, filling in for Jenny. She is deeply devoted to her Biology assignment, and should be hurriedly completing the finishing touches to her project as we speak. As you probably know, the legendary picnic is to be held tomorrow.
Because I am blogging out of turn, I have nothing prepared to write about. And you know what they say; when everything fails, do an outfit post! So I have decided to compile three outfits I'd imagine would be worn to a picnic.
I have been told that I have a distorted view of what a picnic is. In my mind, picnic = pretty floral dresses, bicycles, cupcakes, and fairy bread. The outfits are basically all these things mushed together:
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That's all for now~ I'll see you tomorrow, for those who are invited. And for those who weren't- you know you can rely on me to deliver an image-obese, highly descriptive post on the picnic sometime next week. You'd feel like you actually attended, I swear.
Au revior, adieu, bonne nuit bonne nuit!